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Zivid.NET Namespace

The main namespace for the Zivid .NET API. The top node is Application. The main class to use to interface the 3D camera is Camera.
Public classApplication
Manager class for Zivid cameras. Handles connection to cameras and configuration of the log system. Creating an instance of `Application` allocates memory which won't be collected until you manually invoke `Dispose()` (or use `using`). Creating a second `Application` instance before the previous `Application` instance has been manually disposed will trigger an exception.
Public classCamera
Interface to one Zivid camera
Public classCameraInfo
Information about camera model, serial number etc.
Public classCameraInfoRevisionGroup
The hardware revision of the camera
Public classCameraInfoUserDataGroup
Information about user data capabilities of the camera
Public classCameraIntrinsics
Information about the intrinsic parameters of the camera (OpenCV model)
Public classCameraIntrinsicsCameraMatrixGroup
The camera matrix K (=[fx,0,cx;0,fy,cy;0,0,1])
Public classCameraIntrinsicsDistortionGroup
The radial and tangential distortion parameters
Public classCameraState
Information about camera connection state, temperatures, etc.
Public classCameraStateTemperatureGroup
Current temperature(s)
Public classComputeDevice
Contains information about the ComputeDevice used by Application.
Public classFrame
A frame captured by a Zivid camera
Public classFrame2D
A 2D frame captured by a Zivid camera
Public classFrameInfo
Various information for a frame
Public classFrameInfoSoftwareVersionGroup
The version information for installed software at the time of image capture
Public classImageNETPixelFormat
Abstract base-class for all images
Public classImageRGBA
An RGBA image with 8 bits per channel
Public classPointCloud
Point cloud with x, y, z, RGB color and SNR laid out on a 2D grid
Public classRangeT
Class describing a range of values for a given type T
Public classSettings
Settings used when capturing with a Zivid camera
Public classSettingsAcquisition
Settings for a single acquisition
Public classSettingsAcquisitionsList
List of Acquisition objects
Public classSettingsExperimentalGroup
Experimental features. These settings may be changed, renamed, moved or deleted in the future.
Public classSettingsProcessingGroup
Settings related to processing of a capture, including filters and color balance
Public classSettingsProcessingGroupColorGroup
Color settings
Public classSettingsProcessingGroupColorGroupBalanceGroup
Color balance settings
Public classSettingsProcessingGroupColorGroupExperimentalGroup
Experimental color settings. These may be renamed, moved or deleted in the future.
Public classSettingsProcessingGroupColorGroupExperimentalGroupToneMappingGroup
Tonemapping settings.
Public classSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroup
Public classSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupExperimentalGroup
Experimental filters. These may be renamed, moved or deleted in the future.
Public classSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupExperimentalGroupContrastDistortionGroup
Corrects artifacts that appear when imaging scenes with large texture gradients or high contrast. These artifacts are caused by blurring in the lens. The filter works best when aperture values are chosen such that the camera has quite good focus. The filter also supports removing the points that experience a large correction.
Public classSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupExperimentalGroupContrastDistortionGroupCorrectionGroup
Public classSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupExperimentalGroupContrastDistortionGroupRemovalGroup
Public classSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupNoiseGroup
Contains a filter that removes points with low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
Public classSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupNoiseGroupRemovalGroup
Discard points with signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) values below a threshold
Public classSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupOutlierGroup
Contains a filter that removes points with large Euclidean distance to neighboring points
Public classSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupOutlierGroupRemovalGroup
Discard point if Euclidean distance to neighboring points is above a threshold
Public classSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupReflectionGroup
Contains a filter that removes points likely introduced by reflections (useful for shiny materials)
Public classSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupReflectionGroupRemovalGroup
Discard points likely introduced by reflections (useful for shiny materials)
Public classSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupSmoothingGroup
Smoothing filters
Public classSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupSmoothingGroupGaussianGroup
Gaussian smoothing of the point cloud
Public classSettings2D
Settings used when capturing 2D images with a Zivid camera
Public classSettings2DAcquisition
Settings for a single acquisition
Public classSettings2DAcquisitionsList
List of acquisitions. Note that the Zivid SDK only supports a single acquisition per capture in 2D mode.
Public classSettings2DProcessingGroup
Processing related settings
Public classSettings2DProcessingGroupColorGroup
Color settings
Public classSettings2DProcessingGroupColorGroupBalanceGroup
Color balance settings
Public structureColorBGRA
Color with 8-bit blue, green, red and alpha channels
Public structureColorRGBA
Color with 8-bit red, green, blue and alpha channels
Public structureDuration
Hi-resolution time span. Valid range is 1 nanosecond to 292 years.
Public structurePointXYZ
Point with three coordinates as float
Public structurePointXYZColorBGRA
Struct which contains XYZ point and BGRA color packed together
Public structurePointXYZColorRGBA
Struct which contains XYZ point and RGBA color packed together
Public delegateCameraUpdateSettingsDelegate
Delegate function for updating settings
Public delegateCameraInfoCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateCameraInfoRevisionGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateCameraInfoUserDataGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateCameraIntrinsicsCameraMatrixGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateCameraIntrinsicsCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateCameraIntrinsicsDistortionGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateCameraStateCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateCameraStateTemperatureGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateFrameInfoCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateFrameInfoSoftwareVersionGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettingsAcquisitionCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettingsCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettingsExperimentalGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettingsProcessingGroupColorGroupBalanceGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettingsProcessingGroupColorGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettingsProcessingGroupColorGroupExperimentalGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettingsProcessingGroupColorGroupExperimentalGroupToneMappingGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettingsProcessingGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupExperimentalGroupContrastDistortionGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupExperimentalGroupContrastDistortionGroupCorrectionGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupExperimentalGroupContrastDistortionGroupRemovalGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupExperimentalGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupNoiseGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupNoiseGroupRemovalGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupOutlierGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupOutlierGroupRemovalGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupReflectionGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupReflectionGroupRemovalGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupSmoothingGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettingsProcessingGroupFiltersGroupSmoothingGroupGaussianGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettings2DAcquisitionCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettings2DCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettings2DProcessingGroupColorGroupBalanceGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettings2DProcessingGroupColorGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public delegateSettings2DProcessingGroupCopyWithDelegate
Public enumerationPointCloudDownsampling
Option for downsampling
Public enumerationSettingsExperimentalGroupEngineOption
Set the Zivid Vision Engine to use. The Phase Engine is the current default Zivid Vision Engine. The Stripe Engine uses anti-reflection technology to suppress interreflection artifacts and improve data quality on shiny objects like cylinders and chrome-plated parts. Additional acquisition and processing time are required for the Stripe Engine. The Stripe Engine is currently experimental, and may be changed and improved in the future.
Public enumerationSettingsProcessingGroupColorGroupExperimentalGroupToneMappingGroupEnabledOption
This setting controls when tone mapping of colors is performed. Tone mapping will normalize the captured color image to the full available output range by applying a gain factor to the colors. For single-captures this can be used do brighten dark images. For HDR captures this is required to map high-dynamic-range colors to the more limited dynamic range output. This setting has two possible values. `Always` will perform tone-mapping for all captures. `HdrOnly` will perform tone mapping for HDR captures but not for single-captures. It is not possible to disable tone mapping for HDR captures.