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Settings2D Properties

The Settings2D type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBrightness
Brightness controls the light output from the projector. Brightness above 1.0 may be needed when the distance between the camera and the scene is large, or in case of high levels of ambient lighting. Brightness above 1.0 is only supported on Zivid One Plus. When brightness is above 1.0 the duty cycle of the camera (the percentage of time the camera can capture frames) will be reduced. The lights in the projector can be lit for at most 50% of the time during a 10 second period. This limitation is enforced automatically by the camera. Calling capture2D when the duty cycle limit has been reached will cause the camera to first wait (sleep) for a duration of time to cool down, before capture will start.
Public propertyBrightnessRange
The range of valid values
Public propertyExposureTime
Exposure time for the image.
Public propertyExposureTimeRange
The range of valid values
Public propertyGain
Analog gain in the camera
Public propertyGainRange
The range of valid values
Public propertyIris
Iris (aperture) setting for the camera
Public propertyIrisRange
The range of valid values
See Also