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PointCloud Class

Point cloud with x, y, z, RGB color and SNR laid out on a 2D grid
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Zivid.NET
Assembly:  ZividCoreNET (in ZividCoreNET.dll) Version:
public class PointCloud : IDisposable

The PointCloud type exposes the following members.

Public methodPointCloud
Initializes a new instance of the PointCloud class
Public methodPointCloud(PointCloud*)
Initializes a new instance of the PointCloud class
Public propertyEmpty
Check if the point cloud is empty
Public propertyHeight
Get the height of the point cloud (number of rows)
Public propertySize
Get the size of the point cloud (total number of points)
Public propertyWidth
Get the width of the point cloud (number of columns)
Public methodCopyColorsRGBA
Point colors (RGBA) as a byte array of rank 3 with size height * width * 4
Public methodCopyImageRGBA
Point colors (RGBA) as a 2D image
Public methodCopyNormalsXYZ
Normal vectors (x, y, and z) as a float array of rank 3 with size height * width * 3
Public methodCopyPointsXYZ
Point coordinates (x, y, and z) as a float array of rank 3 with size height * width * 3
Public methodCopyPointsXYZColorsBGRA
Get PointXYZColorBGRA as an array of rank 2 with size height * width
Public methodCopyPointsXYZColorsRGBA
Get PointXYZColorRGBA as an array of rank 2 with size height * width
Public methodCopyPointsXYZW
Point coordinates as 4D (homogeneous coordinates) as a float array of rank 3 with size height * width * 4
Public methodCopyPointsZ
Point Z values as a 2D float array of size height * width
Public methodCopySNRs
Get signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) values as a 2D float array of size height * width
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the PointCloud
Public methodDownsample
Downsample the point cloud in-place
Public methodDownsampled
Get a downsampled point cloud
Public methodToString
Get string representation of the PointCloud
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public methodTransform
Transform the point cloud in-place by the given 4x4 transformation matrix
An instance of this class is a handle to a point cloud stored on the compute device memory. This class provides several methods to copy point cloud data from the compute device memory to host (CPU) system memory (RAM).
See Also