
Machine Tending



Machine tending requires the ability to precisely know the location and orientation of the parts. The best results come from the best point clouds.



Machine tending requires precise placement to feed parts into the machine, or system. Knowing you can trust your pick location and orientation gives you a more effective placement strategy



Being able to trust your machine tending step allows you to have certainty in the overall process, with the right parts, where you need it, and when you need it. 

What is machine tending?

Machine tending is the process of loading and unloading parts into machines using industrial or collaborative robots. The choice of the vision system and, in particular, the 3D camera impacts the robot’s ability to successfully detect the target objects, pick and then place them correctly at the desired processing location. The Zivid 2+ 3D camera provides high-resolution 3D data on shiny and difficult parts, enabling demanding pick-and-place operations such as machine tending.

Unmatched point cloud quality. With exceptional point cloud quality, the Zivid 2+ M60 delivers true-to-reality representations of object size, rotation, and absolute position, ensuring highly accurate and reliable results. Whether your system need to see very small objects, items that are shiny and highly reflective, or capturing fine details and features, this camera excels in delivering the very highest quality images and captures the most challenging parts.

Challenges & Solutions

Machine tending is the task of providing raw materials, or blanks to a machine for processing. A common case for this is a CNC machine that requires finished part removal and the insertions of blanks to perform its task. Machines like this require precise placement for the carving and the proper pick point to retrieve the finish object. Now, while this simple if you are only making one part and picking from a precise and ridge location, how do you adapt for when you need to make a variety of parts?

Grasp and manipulate confidently and at speed

Machine tending tasks often require precision placement, which means precision picking. If the pick point is off, the part might not get appropriately placed into the machine or fit. This is costly in terms of additional equipment and space and introduces a time penalty to the operation. Zivid 2+ is ideal for robot-mounted operation, where the 3D vision can move with the robot to see the scene from any angle and position. 

  • Zivid 2+ – A true robot-mounted 3D color camera with a complete range of accessories for reliable operation on the robot.

See every detail as it truly is

Being able to see objects and their assembly counterparts with a very high degree of trueness is essential for consistently reliable assembly tasks. The alignment processes are typically at a millimeter level. Without this ‘true-to-reality’ vision mispicks and misaligned assembly is highly likely.

  • Zivid 2+ M60 with best-in-class trueness of > 99.8% has an exceptional ability to see things as they really are without inaccuracy in form, shape, and position.
  • 0.24 mm spatial resolution at focus distance means even small objects and their detail are easily detected and understood by your robot.
Point cloud example with Zivid 2+ - Typical automotive parts. View in 3D HERE. 

A true industrial 3D camera

Assembly takes place across a broad range of industries. There can be lots of other things happening, from shutter doors opening to mobile machines moving around. All these other things can create temperature variations, vibration, and even knocks. A true industrial robot vision camera designed and tested to exacting standards is essential for reliable performance and repeatability.

  • Zivid cameras are truly built to industrial standards. They are IP65-rated and built from the highest quality components.
  • Zivid cameras are designed to stay performant with an innovative floating calibration system meaning it stays sharp in a changing environment.

Zivid 2 specifications for industrial tasks. Learn more HERE.

Trueness and in-field correction

Zivid prioritizes maintaining awareness of the quality of your automation system. It can be a seasonal check, or a verification after you have bumped into something. With in-field correction, it is possible to verify and correct the trueness of your Zivid camera. While the M60 has <0.2% trueness error from the factory, using infield correct can bring that error even closer to zero. 

The Zivid SDK and calibration board enable automatic and trouble-free in-field camera correction and 3D hand-eye calibration.

Zivd 3D cameras

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