SHEFF Foodpicker Zivid 3D application

3D color vision technology for food picking robots

Food picking robot
Food automation 
Random bin-picking

Zivid One Plus 3D cameras
SHEFF Foodpicker robot


Quick facts


Automated food manufacturing
Color detection robot

45 picks per minute
Random bin-picking
3D color vision technology

3D camera
Zivid One Plus

1 Jul 2020

01 Overview

Based in the Netherlands, SIXPAK is an experienced supplier of food packaging solutions and provides a flexible assembly of ready meals, meal components, salads and convenience food. SHEFF Foodpicker, the newest robot offering by SIXPAK enables faster and more accurate food handling to lower costs. The Zivid One+ 3D camera is used for SHEFF Foodpicker to reliably detect, select, classify, and pick food components in a short time.

SHEFF Foodpicker using a Zivid One+ 3D Camera

02 Challenges 

For any food picking robot, it is imperative to increase the number of correct picks per minute. The operation is not always easy, especially when some items are mixed up with other similar objects. In some cases, robots need to separate the same shape of a food container only by color. E.g., red chili sauce vs. black soya sauce in the same container. It means that manufacturers might need to separate the products before the automated picking operation, which is a time-consuming process.

SHEFF Foodpicker aims to deliver a mobile and compact robot that can be used at any packaging line. It requires a robot vision camera to be versatile and lightweight so that it works in any location with the food picking robot.

SHEFF Foodpicker

“With its award-winning 3D sensors, the Zivid One+ camera provides three-dimensional information that helps food picking robots not to miss small details of target objects."

03 Solution

With its award-winning 3D sensors, the Zivid One+ camera provides three-dimensional information that helps food picking robots not to miss small details of target objects. It uses high-performance 2.3 MPixels image sensors with 25 μm point precision to capture similar objects and identify objects in different colors.


Zivid 3D camera HD RGB point cloud vs. 3D scanner providing grayscale point cloud 

The multi-core processors, 3D algorithms, and software tools allow the Zivid camera to extract data in real-time without compromising speed. As a result, SHEFF foodpicker can pick and place up to 45 items per minute.

Besides, the Zivid cameras can be widely used for the food automation process with its low weight (<2kg) and small form factor. The cameras can be mounted on the wall, ceiling, or robot itself. With great flexibility, SHEFF foodpicker can speed up processes and meet critical food automation requirements. 


SHEFF Foodpicker 

About Vamag

Vamag is a world leader in the equipment sector for overhaul centers, tire repairers and car repair shops. The consolidated fleet of brake test stands alone exceeds 12,000 instruments worldwide, as well as wheel alignments reach 17,000 installations in 46 countries.

Zivid One+ 3D color cameras

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