Automatic wheel alignment
Quality control
Contactless inspection
Zivid One 3D cameras
Wheel alignment
Contactless inspection
Quality control
Real-time 3D sensor technology
High-precision color point clouds
Advanced camera filters
3D analysis software
3D camera
Zivid One Plus Medium
30 Jun 2020
Vamag is a leading supplier of wheel alignment systems for overhaul centers, tire repairers and car repair shops in 46 countries. With over 40 years of experience in the automotive market, it strives to find the easiest and fastest way to inspect vehicles. The Zivid One+ 3D cameras are used for its latest contactless wheel alignment demo to detect even the tiniest defects within seconds.
VAMAG's no-touch wheel alignment system live demo during Autopromotec 2019
High precision is the key to a successful wheel alignment system as proper wheel alignment increases your tire life and road safety. The exact measurement process needs to be operated in a short time with a simple and flexible set-up to cover a wide range of vehicles as fast as possible.
However, a typical wheel alignment system often requires mounting additional measuring tools on every wheel of the car which is a relatively time-consuming operation. During this process, measuring errors may occur by misaligned reference tools. It happens when tire angles seem to be symmetric but there is a tiny error in the measurement of the major components such as camber, toe, or caster.
“Vamag chose the Zivid 3D color camera to address the common challenges with the traditional wheel alignment system.”
Vamag chose the Zivid 3D color camera to address the common challenges with the traditional wheel alignment system. By utilizing the innovative three-dimensional sensor, the 3D camera can capture the details between the vehicle's vertical and longitudinal axis with > 99%-dimension accuracy. It detects target objects with single or multiple-frame imaging with low occlusion and flexible field of view.
The demo video above shows that the Zivid 3D camera scans the car tires before reporting back any with camber or toe angle issues. With the eye-safe structured light technology, the image is transferred to the 3D point cloud software called Zivid Studio to capture and analyze data in 80ms.
As Vamag enabled remote inspection of vehicle wheels by using the Zivid 3D cameras, the company has been able to reduce both measuring errors as well as drastically reduce the customer service time for a proper wheel alignment check.
Vamag is a world leader in the equipment sector for overhaul centers, tire repairers and car repair shops. The consolidated fleet of brake test stands alone exceeds 12,000 instruments worldwide, as well as wheel alignments reach 17,000 installations in 46 countries.
Zivid brings
N-0484, Oslo