Assembly Automotive #6

Automotive: Matte Metallic Parts

Here you will find a set of samples of matte metallic items typically found in automotive manufacturing. This should help you assess the fit of our 3D cameras for your application. If you cannot find the object you are looking for, contact us, and we will capture it for you.

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Metallic brackets


Set up:
Capture time: 198 ms 
Working distance: 736 [mm] to middle of the bin
Camera model: Zivid 2 M70

Spatial Resolution: 0.41 [mm] 
Point Precision: 97 [um] 
Dimensional Trueness: 0.09% 

Full settings file


Brass coupling and screws


Set up:
Working distance: 530 [mm] to middle of the bin 
Capture time: 533 ms 
Camera Model: Zivid One+ Small

Spatial Resolution: 0.19 [mm] 
Point Precision: 36 [um] 
Dimensional Trueness: 0.08% 

Full settings file


Matte metallic washers

Set up:
Working distance: 900 [mm] to middle of the bin 
Capture time: 226 ms 

Camera Model: Zivid One+ Medium

Spatial Resolution: 0.33 [mm] 
Point Precision: 112 [um] 
Dimensional Trueness: 0.11% 

Full settings file


Mounting brackets


Set up:
Working distance: 1450 [mm] to middle of the bin 
Capture time: 986 ms 
Camera Model: Zivid One+ Large 

Spatial Resolution: 0.54 [mm] 
Point Precision: 342 [um] 
Dimensional Trueness: 0.16% 

Full settings file

Need to capture something else?

Send us a request, we'll take point cloud images of any object for you.
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Zivid 2 L100 Datasheet →


Zivid 2 M70 Datasheet →

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