MaxQ Cobot
Turn-key automatic repair system for metal parts
Wire Arc Additive Manufacture (WAAM)
Welding, overlay welding, cladding
Robot-mounted 3D color vision for robotics
Motion planning
Industrial 3D vision
Geometry monitoring and correction
Precise anomaly detection and tracing
Guided process pipeline
Automated interpass temperature control
Machine vision camera
Zivid 2 industrial color 3D camera
20 Jun 2022
The welding industry is seeing some of the most innovative growth in the field of robotics. There is an industry need for metallic parts to be manufactured or repaired as needed to high-quality specifications. Additionally, the cost should be highly competitive and should be within the reach of just about any company. For RAMLAB, the vision challenge was to find a 3D sensor strong enough for highly accurate arc welding processes that could also operate smoothly in a hot, dirty, and tough environment. The application also required a camera light and robust enough to be mounted on the arm of the robot.
MaxQ Cobot is a compliment to RAMLAB’s MaxQ Robot solution. Where MaxQ Robot offers fast, flexible, and affordable access to 3D printing of metallic parts with WAAM technology, MaxQ Cobot works on a smaller scale using Techman cobots, and offers repair services for typically smaller parts that have high value and with adequate repair back to their original standard, thus reducing cost and unnecessary wastage.
MaxQ Cobot is filling an especially important niche in industry, the automated repair of high value metallic parts. These parts can be across a broad range of items, but examples are tooling parts and heavy press-molds. It has the ability to repair complex shapes and profiles to a fine degree of accuracy. In a nutshell it breathes new life into older parts. MaxQ Cobot makes a service available to just about any company that just a few years ago would have been unthinkable, additionally it is a great boost to the global effort to reduced wastage and follow a renewable approach in manufacturing.
MaxQ Cobot has the ability to repair complex metallic parts back to their original condition. With Zivid 2 we found exactly what we needed in a robot vision camera. Truly designed for mounting on the robot. It has all the 3D resolving capabilities, the compact size and lightness, and very importantly, the ability to stay sharp despite a really challenging industrial environment."
Vincent Wegener, Co-Founder and Managing Director, RAMLAB
RAMLAB is a young company based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Rotterdam has a long history as a major port and maritime industry. More recently Rotterdam has seen a resurgence with new industries especially those associated with automation innovation. RAMLAB was founded on the need of industry for 3D manufacture and repair of industrial metallic parts. RAMLAB has introduced their MaxQ Robot, and MaxQ Cobot systems to the market to address these needs and to offer any business large or small access to metallic part manufacture that is fast, flexible, and affordable.
Welding techniques for repair have always been in widespread use. It is a critical process for bringing all manner of metallic things back to their original state of worthiness. This is absolutely the case for larger, high-value parts that cannot just be scrapped because of a fault or defect. However, there are also many parts that do get discarded as a part of their lifecycle once they have reached a level of wear and tear, or damage.
This was due largely to the fact that no serious means of repair was feasible or made economic sense. The general cost of wastage in manufacturing industry is astronomical, with some analysts putting it as high as $8 trillion globally every year. While wastage of metallic industrial parts represents only a part of this, even a fractional part clearly is still a very considerable amount.
An example of such items are steel press-molds used for manufacturing steel parts at volume. Such parts endure very considerable stresses and pressure and as such wear out after a brief time. Often the level to which they have become unusable is small, but nonetheless critical. Imagine being able to repair these parts as simply as repairing an equivalent item made of plastics with a 3D printer. This is exactly what MaxQ Cobot brings to the market.
On a different level, but equally important is the current dearth of skilled welders available. This shortage is only trending one way and finding suitably skilled welders will just get more difficult.
“Zivid 2 addresses, and surpasses what we were looking for in a high-quality 3D sensor. It was super-simple to integrate, and it performs beautifully even in a really demanding situation such as arc welding.”
Vincent Wegener
Co-Founder and Managing Director, RAMLAB
RAMLAB’s MaxQ Cobot is complementary product to their MaxQ Robot system for additive manufacture and repair of certified metallic parts using a WAAM process. It is an automatic repair system for metal parts that are subject to wear in service such as rail, rotors and dies. MaxQ Cobot combines RAMLABs MaxQ monitoring and control system with a Techman collaborative robot and Miller weld source. Parts are welded back to their original shape with high quality using automatic 3D sensing and toolpath planning, using the Zivid 2 industrial 3D camera, interpass temperature control and voltage and current monitoring. Designed as a cobot solution it is as happy operating alongside humans to complete tasks, as it is working independently.
This system is changing how industry approaches unnecessary wastage by enabling the reuse of metal parts that with some specialist care, courtesy of MaxQ, can be brought back to full working life, efficiently and effectively.
Zivid 2 has also been designed to be light and robust enough for robot-mounted applications, which was a requirement for RAMLAB's welding job. By mounting the camera on the arm of the robot, the MaxQ system was able to capture the items from multiple angles to get a more accurate point cloud.
MaxQ automates the production, quality inspection and certification process for WAAM, robotic welding and repair jobs
MaxQ Cobot is filling an extremely important gap in the industry, the ability to democratize the repair metallic parts instead of scrapping them. It will open up avenues of access and efficiency to a huge range of users who previously had no option but to scrap and replace. It is a revolutionary product that also has strong green credentials with renewability.
RAMLAB is based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. RAMLAB’s mission is to enable the industry to manufacture and repair industrial parts whenever, and wherever they are needed. They should also meet or exceed the end user’s quality requirements at a competitive price. Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing will enable the manufacturing and repair of certified metal parts. RAMLAB’s mission is to accelerate the adoption of this technology throughout the value chain.
Zivid brings
N-0484, Oslo